
A. Customizing the .ini Files

The M3 OPAC has default settings that work with most configurations. However, you may choose to customize the OPAC .ini files to work with your own system configuration preferences. This appendix describes:
•     How to modify the M3Opac.ini file
•     How to modify the SortFormulas.ini file
•     How to modify the Summaries.ini file
•     How to modify the ZNetworked.ini file
The following information is only for the use of system administrators. If you do not possess a comprehensive  understanding of configuration files, do not attempt to change the .ini files. Improper procedures could affect the OPAC. Before you proceed, it is suggested that
you make a complete  backup of this  file.


The M3Opac.ini file controls several general configuration aspects of the Windows
M3 OPAC. To modify the M3Opac.ini file:
1.     Using a simple text editor such as Notepad or WordPad, open the M3Opac.ini file (the default path is C:\Program Files\Mandarin M3).
2.     In the M3Opac.ini file, make the desired customizations.
3.     When finished, save the file. The customized configuration becomes active the next time you start the M3 OPAC.

Contents of  the  M3Opac.ini File

Table A.1 contains some of the common customizable fields. The left column of the table lists the information contained in the M3Opac.ini file. The right column provides an explanation of the left column entries.
NOTE: The values shown in the left column are the default settings.
Contents of M3Opac.ini file
Controls whether the Bulletin Board uses an external browser to link to the page to be displayed (0=disabled and 1=enabled).
Where LOCAL is the default bulletin board file in the M3 directory.
The local default file is “BulletinBoard.html.” Instead of “LOCAL,” this also can be the full path to any Web page. Formats include:
Controls whether the OPAC uses an external browser for any URLs listed in the Search Results window (0=disabled and 1=enabled).
PRINTING settings
0=Mandarin M3 OPAC
Controls elements and formats of the printed header and footer. You can use any of the following variables.
The default variables are:
%CURRENT_PAGE - Current page.
Justification - Controls where the information will appear (Center, Left, Right).
In addition, you can include any of these variables in the header and footer:
%APP_NAME - Current name of the program.
%SECOND - Current time’s seconds.
%MINUTE - Current time’s minutes.
%STANDARD_HOUR - Current time’s hour in standard format (two 12-hour cycles per day).
%AM_PM_INDICATOR - Indicates before noon or after noon for STANDARD_HOUR format. (Text for these indicators is located in the Timestamp.ini file.)
%HOUR - Current time’s hour in military format
(i.e., one 24-hour cycle per day).
%NUMERIC_DAY - The number of the current day of the month ranging from 1 to 31.
%ALPHA_DAY - The name of the current day of the week. (Text for these names is located in the Timestamp.ini file.)
%NUMERIC_MONTH - Current month listed numerically, from 1 (January) to 12 (December).
%ALPHA_MONTH - The name of the current month. (Text for these names is located in the Timestamp.ini file.)
%YEAR - Current year calculated by the computer and displayed as a four-digit number.
Contents of M3Opac.ini file
<Limits> Pages=0
Controls the number of pages a patron can print. If pages=0, there is no limit to the number of pages a patron can print. If pages>0, then the limit is equal to that number.
REPORT settings
Maps language keys to language dependent report formats.
Specifies the attribute set identifier of the attribute set with which a report format is to be associated.
Contains the format strings that dictate the type of and layout of the data on the report. Also specifies whether the report is to be language dependent on the OPAC.


The SortFormulas.ini file controls the formulas by which record lists are sorted in the M3 OPAC. These formulas apply to sorting records in the Search Results Record List, Bookbag Record List, and the Open Transactions and Closed Trans- actions lists in the My Account tab. To modify the SortFormulas.ini file:
Note: If you installed M3 v1.1 prior to installing v1.6,
your default path is
C:\Program Files
\SIRS Mandarin\M3.
1.     Using a simple text editor such as Notepad or WordPad, open the SortFor- mulas.ini file (the default path is C:\Program Files\Mandarin M3).
2.     In the SortFormulas.ini file, make the desired customizations.
3.     When finished, save the file. The customized configuration becomes active the next time you start the M3 OPAC.
Adding New Sort Formulas
If a sort formula you want to use is not listed in the SortFormulas.ini file, you can add a new sort formula. To do so:
1.     In the SortFormulas.ini file, locate the heading [sort_formula].
2.     Highlight the entire section (down to the next [sort_formula] heading) to select it, then press CTRL+C. This copies the text.
3.     On the line before the next [sort_formula] heading, press CTRL+V. This pastes the copied text.
4.     In the new serial_number= entry, delete the number that appears after the equal (=) sign and type the number of this new sort formula (for example, if five sort formulas are currently listed, type 6).
5.     In the 0= entry, delete the existing text and type the name of the new sort formula. In the four lines that follow, type language translations as needed (1=French, 2=Spanish, 3=German, 4=Italian).
6.     Under the heading <default>, type any options you want to specify for this sort formula. For an explanation of available options, see the instructions under [sort_formula] <default>  in the SortFormulas.ini file.
7.     Under the heading <key>, type the identification number of the sort key by which you want to sort. You can select multiple keys, if desired. The available sort keys are listed under the [sort_key] heading in the file. To create a new sort key, see the following section, “Adding New Sort Keys.”
8.     When finished, save the file. The new sort formula becomes active the next time you start the M3 OPAC.
Adding New Sort Keys
If a sort key you want to use is not listed in the SortFormulas.ini file, you can add a new sort key. To do so:
1.     In the SortFormulas.ini file, locate the heading [sort_key].
2.     Highlight the entire section (down to the next [sort_key] heading) to select it, then press CTRL+C. This copies the text.
3.     On the line before the next [sort_key] heading, press CTRL+V. This pastes the copied text.
4.     In the new serial_number= entry, delete the number that appears after the
= sign and type the number of this new sort key (for example, if five sort keys are currently listed, type 6).
5.     In the 0= entry, delete the existing text and type the name of the new sort key. In the four lines that follow, type language translations as needed (1=French, 2=Spanish, 3=German, 4=Italian).
6.     Under the heading <options>,  type any options you want to specify for this sort key. For an explanation of available options, see the instructions under [sort_key] <options>  in the SortFormulas.ini file.
7.     When finished, save the file. The new sort key becomes active the next time you start the M3 OPAC.
Automatic Sorting
The OPAC can be configured to automatically sort the Search Results Record List by a default formula. To do so:
1.     In the SortFormulas.ini file, locate the formula by which you want to sort
(Call Number, Title, and so on). For this example, we will use Title.
2.     Under the heading [sort_formula], locate the [identification] section with the entry 0=Title. This is the Title sort formula.
3.     In this sort formula, locate the <default>  section. After the entry
missing_keys_last=1, type auto=1  on a new line.
4.     Save the file, then restart the OPAC. The next time a search is conducted, the Search Results Record List will automatically  sort by the specified for- mula.


In the M3 OPAC, the Summaries.ini file allows configuration of the Holdings box in the Search Results Record Details window. You can choose the fields that are listed and the order they display on screen. To modify the Summaries.ini file:
1.     Using a simple text editor such as Notepad or WordPad, open the Summaries.ini file (C:\Program Files\Mandarin M3).
2.     In the Summaries.ini file, make the desired customizations.
3.     When finished, save the file. The customized configuration becomes active the next time you start the M3 OPAC.
Adding a New Field
If a field you want to display is not listed in the Summaries.ini file, you can add a new field. To do so:
1.     In the Summaries.ini file, locate the heading [summary_column].
2.     Highlight the entire section (down to the next [summary_column] heading)
to select it, then press CTRL+C. This copies the text.
3.     On the line before the next [summary_column] heading, press CTRL+V. This pastes the copied text.
4.     In the new serial_number= entry, type the number of this new summary column (for example, if 10 summary columns are currently listed, type
5.     In the 0= entry, type a new name for the column. In the four lines that follow, type language translations as needed (1=French, 2=Spanish,
3=German, 4=Italian).
6.     In the linking_identifier= entry, type a code to reference the table storing the data (for example, b=bibliographic, h=holding, or e=equipment).
7.     In the <format>  section, in the 0= entry, type the field and subfield in which the data is stored (for example, 852c).
8.     Locate the heading [summary_layout] for the type of linking identifier being modified (holdings, BIB1, or e (equipment)).
9.     Highlight a <column> section (consisting of three lines) to select it, then press CTRL+C. This copies the text.
10. At the desired location, press CTRL+V. This pastes the copied text to create a new column that will display the data.
11. In the new id= entry, type the number you entered in step 4.
12. In the new width= entry, type a new column width, if needed.
13. When finished, save the file. The new field displays the next time you start the M3 OPAC.


The ZNetworked.ini file controls the path to the database. To modify the ZNetworked.ini file:
1.     Using a simple text editor such as Notepad or WordPad, open the ZNetworked.ini file (the default path is C:\Program Files\Mandarin M3).
2.     In the ZNetworked.ini file, type the new database path.
3.     When finished, save the file. The new database path becomes active the next time you start the M3 modules.