Automatic Renewal Feature

If the option is selected, Mandarin will automatically renew all loans for those patrons once the due date has come up for their items on loan so they will not become overdue if ALL of the following conditions are met:
  • The item's group policy is set to allow renewals.
  • The renewal limit for the user has not been reached.
  • There is no reserve placed from another patron.
To activate the feature, go to: circulation (Tab) - options (menu) - Return Renewal Operations (Expand) - enable "auto renewal" (check)
Technical Notes:
  • Currently, we do not send a notice (email) for items that are automatically renewed to the patrons.
    We are reviewing that enhancement so the patron will know when to bring the item back, a new "due date" for that item.
  • A workaround is that if your library is set for "automated Email reminder" then on the text librarians can add a text like:
    "the library might renew your item automatically for your convenience, please check your account for a new due date"
    (the text is an example, please modify it at your convenience)
  • Patron group: You cannot have a patron renewal limit of 0. The patron limit is the total number of renewals the patron can have at one time.
  • The "Automatic Renewal Feature" runs one time on the first Circulation initialization of the day (after an app pool recycle,
    usually at midnight). There is a log file "autorenewal.txt.log" registered on m5\Logs\Circulation