
Using Find and Replace

M5 allows you to do global or partial changes to the database records.
1. Click the Cataloging Tools in the catalog tab, click the Find and Replace tab.
2. At the top, choose the Database and the Table (bibliographic, patron, or bib-holding), and check to Save undo information.
3. In the search form on the left side enter the required information to search for records to be changed.
Tip: To create a more specific search,
enter MARC field and subfield codes
(e.g. 852#k) in the small empty boxes
next to the dropdown menus of the
search form. Then enter the search
criteria in the box below as usual.
Information in the small box overrides
and ignores the dropdown menu.
4. On the bottom you will see the search results as a list of titles and authors. Navigate through the pages of the list with the arrows at the top. To see more information about an individual record, click the Details link on that line.
5. Select individual records by clicking in the checkbox for each, or click on the Select All link at the bottom. At this point you can delete and/or purge selected records by clicking on the appropriate links at the bottom of the pane. For other changes, click Next.
6. In the Find Options box, select either the entire record or a specified field/subfield within each record to locate the information to be changed. In the Search Text box enter the information to be changed, and click Set. Make any other choices to specifically identify the information to be changed.
7. In the Replace Options box, select the function to perform.
8. Click Finish. While the operation processes, a progress bar displays.
9. When the replace procedure is complete, the operation summary displays. Click OK to return to the Search Options page, or click Print to print the summary.
10. On the Search Options page you can choose to reverse the procedure if the results were not what you wanted. Choose the appropriate operation from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page and then click Undo.
11. Click the Catalog button to return to the main Cataloging screen.

Add or rename field/subfield using find/replace

1. It is possible to add a field/subfield using Find/Replace.
Select Display Advanced options
Select Insert fields/subfields
2. Fields and subfields can also be renamed.
Select Display Advanced options
Select Rename fields/subfields

How to find and replace


Global Changes


Removing Graduated Students