Using Self-Check and Self-Return

These features allow patrons to check out or return items without staff assistance.
  • For system security, once the Self-Check transaction mode is selected, the patron cannot perform any other type of circulation transaction. Similarly, if the Self-Return transaction mode is selected, then the patron is limited to self-return. Libraries using the Self mode can set up a network workstation restricted to self-checkout transactions, and a separate workstation restricted to self-return transactions.
  • To enable override messages in Self-Check mode, change the Self Mode entry in the Global.ini.REG file (the default path is C:\M3 Server\Registry \Common) to Skip Override=off. Otherwise, the only override that will display is if the item is non-circulating.

Using Self-Checkout

1. On the side menu, click Self-Check. The workstation remains in this mode until you log out of Oasis.
2. In the Barcode box, scan the patron barcode, or type it and then press ENTER.
3. In the Barcode box, scan the item barcode, or type it and then press ENTER. This checks out the item.

Using Self-Return

1. On the side menu, click Self-Return. The workstation remains in this mode until you log out of Oasis.
2. In the Barcode box, scan the item barcode, or type it and then press ENTER. This returns the item.