Record Editor (Cataloging)

Cataloging is the process of describing an item in a library’s collection in order to retrieve and control the item. The Oasis Record Editor, accessed through the Catalog, contains a full MARC editor used to create, modify, delete, and merge records. Fields and subfields can be added, deleted, and modified. Records can be duplicated and modified to create holdings. The field labels and tag structure con- form to USMARC standards, as defined by the Library of Congress. Record types are bibliographic, holding, patron, and equipment.
Bibliographic, holding, patron, authority, picture, and equipment records are contained separately in table structures. Each table can hold up to 2 billion records. An unlimited number of tables can be created, enabling Oasis to store any number of records. Tables can span multiple hard disks on multiple servers to accommodate libraries with large volumes of records.
Oasis recognizes both the USMARC fixed and variable length records. The maximum record length is limited by the MARC standard when using a MARC format.
The MARC standard is 100K per record and 4K per field. Oasis allows all fields of the MARC record to be indexed.
There is one bibliographic record for each separate catalog entry. An unlimited number of holding records can be associated with a single bibliographic record. Holding records must be linked to a bibliographic record. The Record Editor automatically assigns a sequential record number to each record in the system.
The Record Editor allows the MARC record to be customized in many ways. Additional fields or subfields can be added to MARC records to add local information using the MARC standard.
The Record Editor offers a Basic Editor and an Advanced Editor. The Basic Editor displays the MARC field labels as text and offers a limited number of field and sub-field choices. This editor is suitable for simple and quick record entry. The Advanced Editor displays the MARC field labels as numbers and offers every field and subfield choice available.


The Record Editor includes pre-configured templates using suitable fields to create distinct record differences. Additional templates can be created or existing templates can be modified to meet local needs. The Record Editor automatically fills in certain fields when a template is chosen, making the cataloging process easy. Templates in the Record Editor include: Book, Electronic Book, CD-ROM, Equipment, DVD Recording, Video Recording, Music CD, Notated Music, Mixed Material, Map, and more.


Picture  records can be imported individually or in batch mode in Oasis Catalog or by using  the M3 Picture Manager utility in M3 Cataloging. M3 Cataloging is included on the Oasis CD.


All cataloging reports are run using the Oasis report generator.

Authority Control

The optional Authority Control module lets the library offer patrons the best possible access to the collection by displaying “See” and “See also” cross-references from terms they may search under to terms used by bibliographic records in the catalog.

Importing Records

Bibliographic and patron records formatted in MARC, ASCII delimited, ASCII fixed width, or UTF8 delimited or fixed width format can be imported. Fields in existing records must be mapped to the appropriate MARC field, or defaults can be selected. During import, duplicate bibliographic records can be imported or discarded, or can replace existing records. All holding records are imported. Barcodes can be generated during the import process. After the import process is complete, an Import Summary is cre- ated listing duration of import session, number of records in the import file, number of records imported successfully, any duplicate barcodes, and the barcode creation summary.
Oasis also accepts records in USMARC, MARC21, LCMARC, OCLC, RLIN, UTLAS, WLN, SDM (MARC), Bibliofile, Precision,  Laserquest, and Marcive formats.
A utility can be used to automate the importing and updating of patron records, using data exported from a student management system.

Exporting Records

Records may be selected and exported as .txt files in MARC format.

Find and Replace

Find and Replace provides for advanced editing functions. Selected groups of bibliographic, holding or patron records can be manipulated together to correct mistakes or update headings, or to be deleted or purged. An Undo feature is included for backing out of changes.