
Virtual Union

Oasis (with custom configuration) allows any multiple-site library running Oasis to be part of a virtual union catalog. If a merged database is not desired or if libraries are not directly affiliated, libraries can participate in a virtual union catalog but maintain their collections separately. A virtual union catalog is created by installing M3 Server and Oasis on all library automation servers; no client soft- ware is needed at the library sites. M3 Server software can be configured so patrons can search single or multiple databases simultaneously. There is a charge for customizing the software based on the number of library collections. This model runs on central server or local server solutions.

Virtual Union Catalog with Oasis and  Z39.50 Protocol

Z39.50 software is required for a virtual union catalog if libraries not using Oasis or M3 are participating union catalog members. Library sites not using Oasis or M3 must have Z39.50 client software to access and search bibliographic information. They must also have Z39.50 server software so Oasis can broadcast their bibliographic information and allow it to be searched by other libraries. Performance is dependent on the total number of sites, circulation and patron workstations, and the communications infrastructure (T1 lines are recommended).  This model runs on central server or local server solutions.