Working with Special Reserve Groups
With M3, you can create an unlimited number of special reserve groups with customized permissions for each group.
Creating a New Special Reserve Group
To create a new special reserve group:
1. In the Group Editor window, select a catalog database in the Database Set
2. Click New. This displays the New Group dialog box (Figure 3.26).
3. Click New Special Reserve Group, then click OK. This places a “New Special
Reserve Group” listing in the Group Editor window (as shown in
Figure 3.27).
NOTE: If the new listing does not appear, verify that All Groups or Special
Reserve Groups is selected in the Display list.
4. Select the new special reserve group, then click Edit. This displays the New Special Reserve Group window (Figure 3.28), where you customize this group’s characteristics. Enter the appropriate information in each tab as described in the following sections.
General Tab
In this tab (shown in Figure 3.28), enter identification information for the group as well as information that impacts circulation behavior.
1. In the Name box, type the special reserve group’s name.
2. In the Description box, type any information needed to clarify this group.
3. In the Reserve Group Expiration group:
• If the group has no planned expiration date, click No Expiration.
• If an expiration date is known, click Expires, and then type or select a date in the adjacent box. To select a date, click the Calendar arrow to display a calendar (as shown in Figure 3.29). Click the calendar’s left (<) and right (>) arrows to select a month, then click the desired date. The date appears in the Expires box.
4. The Created by Patron Group box displays the patron group of the user that created this group. Only administrators can modify this entry.
5. In the Circulation Access Available to group:
• Click All Patrons if you want all patrons to have access to items included in this special reserve group.
• Click Only patrons that are members of this group if you want to restrict access to items in this special reserve group.
6. Click Apply to save your entries in this tab, then click another tab to modify it.
Click OK to save your entries in this tab and return to the Group Editor window.
Click Cancel to discard your entries in this tab and return to the Group
Editor window.
Item Members Tab
In this tab (Figure 3.30), add and remove item group members. Items assigned to this group adhere to the circulation parameters you establish in the next tab, Circ Periods.
To add or remove holding records:
1. In the Display list, select All Items. This displays a list of all items (as shown in Figure 3.30), not just items currently assigned to this group.
Tip: You can also scan items into the group. To do so, select Scan Items into Current Group in the Display list. Then scan the item’s barcode or type the barcode in the Barcode box (not shown in Figure 3.30).
2. Select each item you want to add to the special reserve group. To locate specific items:
• Use the vertical scroll bar or your up and down arrow keys to move through the list.
• Click a column heading to sort the list by that column (not applicable to Title and Author).
• Search for an item by any field indexed in the item records. To do so: A. In the Display list, select Search. This displays the Search dialog
box (Figure 3.31).
B. In the Search For list, select Bibliographic or Holdings.
C. Type your search query into the appropriate boxes. To select a different MARC field or Boolean operator, click the arrow next to the appropriate list, and then select the preferred field or oper- ator. Then click Search. This displays a list of items matching your search query.
3. To add items, select the desired items, then click Add.
To remove items, select the desired items, then click Remove.
4. To view the new item group list, select Items in Current Group Only in the Display list. The item list refreshes to display only those assigned to this group.
5. Click Apply to save your entries in this tab, then click another tab to modify it.
Click OK to save your entries in this tab and return to the Group Editor window.
Click Cancel to discard your entries in this tab and return to the Group
Editor window.
Circ Periods Tab
In this tab (Figure 3.32), establish circulation time frames and fine amounts for this special reserve group.
1. To enter different limits for this special reserve group, see steps 3 through on page 3-15.
2. Click Apply to save your entries in this tab, then click another tab to modify it.
Click OK to save your entries in this tab and return to the Group Editor window.
Click Cancel to discard your entries in this tab and return to the Group
Editor window.
Circ Limits Tab
In this tab (Figure 3.33), customize the circulation quantity limits for the special reserve group. Specify the maximum number of items for each type of transaction listed.
1. Select a circulation limit for each limit type. To do so:
A. Select a limit type. If a limit is not selected, no limit is assigned.
B. In the list next to the limit type, select a limit amount.
2. Click Apply to save your entries in this tab, then click another tab to modify it.
Click OK to save your entries in this tab and return to the Group Editor window.
Click Cancel to discard your entries in this tab and return to the Group
Editor window.
Patron Members Tab
In this tab (Figure 3.34), add and remove patron members. Use this tab only if Only patrons that are members of this group is selected in the General tab (shown in Figure 3.28).
To add or remove patron members:
1. In the Display list, select All Patrons. This displays a list of all patrons (as shown in Figure 3.34), not just patrons currently assigned to this group.
Tip: You can also scan patrons into the group. To do so, select Scan Patrons into Current Group in the Display list. Then scan the patron’s barcode or type the barcode in the Barcode box (not shown in Figure 3.34).
2. Select each patron you want to add to the special reserve group. To locate specific patrons:
• Use the vertical scroll bar or your up and down arrow keys to move through the list.
• Click a column heading to sort the list by that column.
• Search for a patron by any field indexed in the patron records. To do so:
A. In the Display list, select Search. This displays the Search dialog box (Figure 3.35).
B. Type your search query into the appropriate boxes. To select a different MARC field or Boolean operator, click the arrow next to the appropriate list, and then select the preferred field or oper- ator. Then click Search. This displays a list of patrons matching your search query.
3. To add patrons, select the desired patrons, then click Add.
To remove patrons, select the desired patrons, then click Remove.
4. To view the new patron group list, select Patrons in Current Group Only in the Display list. The patron list refreshes to display only those assigned to this group.
5. Click Apply to save your entries in this tab, then click another tab to modify it.
Click OK to save your entries in this tab and return to the Group Editor window.
Click Cancel to discard your entries in this tab and return to the Group
Editor window.
Group Access Tab
In this tab (Figure 3.36), specify which patron groups you want to have access to this group.
To specify groups with access:
1. The Groups Without Access box displays the patron groups that do not have access to this group. To change the group access, click the patron group that you want to have access to this special reserve group, then click the
<< button. This moves the patron group to the Groups With Shared Access To Current box. Repeat this for all groups that you want to have access to this special reserve group.
2. Click Apply to save your entries in this tab, then click another tab to modify it.
Click OK to save your entries in this tab and return to the Group Editor window.
Click Cancel to discard your entries in this tab and return to the Group Editor window.
Modifying Special Reserve Group Permissions
To modify the permissions assigned to a special reserve group:
1. In the Group Editor window, select a catalog database in the Database Set
2. Select the desired group, then click Edit. This displays the settings window for the selected group.
3. Modify the settings in the tabs as needed using the techniques described in “Creating a New Special Reserve Group” beginning on page 3-23. When finished, click OK to save your changes.
Deleting a Special Reserve Group
To delete a special reserve group from the M3 system:
1. In the Group Editor window, select the group to be deleted.
2. Click Delete.
NOTE: If members are assigned to the group, the message “You cannot delete a group that has members” appears.
3. If the group has no members, a confirmation prompt appears. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion.
Warning: You cannot undo this deletion.