Working with the Log File
The log file contains information about the activity of every port; it contains the same information as the Resources Information pane. The default log size is 1 MB.
Viewing the Log File
To open the log file:
1. On the File menu, click Exit to close the M3 Server.
2. Using a simple text editor such as Notepad or WordPad, open the log.txt file (the default path is C:\M3 Server).
Modifying the Log File Size
You can increase or decrease the maximum log file size. If you do not want this file to log activity, set the size to 0 MB.
To modify the log file size:
1. On the taskbar, click the M3 Server icon (shown in Figure 9.1).
2. On the M3 Server menu (Figure 9.2), click Options. This displays the
Options dialog box (Figure 9.13).
3. Select the port containing the log file you want to modify, then click Edit.
This displays the Server dialog box for this port (Figure 9.14).
4. In the Maximum Log Size box, type or select a log size.
5. When finished, click OK.
6. In the Options dialog box, click Apply to save your changes. This displays a confirmation dialog box. Click Yes to modify the log size now, or No to modify the log size the next time the server is started.
7. In the Options dialog box, click OK.
Clearing the Existing Log
To clear the existing log file:
1. On the taskbar, click the M3 Server icon (shown in Figure 9.1).
2. On the M3 Server menu (Figure 9.2), click Options. This displays the
Options dialog box (Figure 9.13).
3. Select the port containing the log file you want to clear, then click Edit.
This displays the Server dialog box for this port (Figure 9.14).
4. When finished, click Clear. This displays a confirmation dialog box; click
Yes to delete the log file. (A new log file is created the next time the M3
Server is started.)
5. In the Options dialog box, click OK.