Reserving or Holding an Item

Note: You cannot reserve or hold a deleted item.
A hold is applied when the requested item is currently checked into the library and is therefore available; a reserve is applied when the item is currently checked out.
1. In the side menu, click Reserve.
2. In the Barcode box, scan the patron barcode, or type it and then press ENTER.
3. In the Barcode box, scan the item barcode, or type it and then press ENTER. The reserve or hold transaction appears in the Item pane.
  • If a reserve is placed, a notification e-mail will automatically be sent to the patron when the item is available (if there is an e-mail address in the patron record).
  • When a reserved item is returned, a message displays indicating the name and barcode of the patron who reserved it.
  • You can cancel a reserve or hold with the Transactions menu. See “Using the Transactions Menu