Using the CatalogCataloging allows you to add, edit, duplicate, and delete item and patron records. To access Cataloging, you must sign in to M5 with the proper permissions. After you’ve signed in, M5 displays the tabs for all library functions that you have permission to access.
The bibliographic and patron record editors are accessed from the Results page, and the holding record editor is accessed from the Details page.
![]() NOTE: When you have created or edited a record and are ready to save it,
keep in mind that any fields left empty in the record will be deleted when
you save the record. If you do not want empty fields to be deleted, change
the Strip Empty Fields entry in the Global.ini.REG file (the default path is
C:\M3 Server\Registry\Common) to OVERRIDE=on. This setting will take
effect the next time you start the record editor. Authority Control users
should not change this setting.