The Details page provides item details as well as information on the number of and availability of copies.
The Details page is accessed from the Results page by clicking the desired item’s Details link. The options available on the Details page are described in the following sections; these options may have been modified by your system administrator.
Returning to the Record List
To return to the Results page, click the Back to Record List button or Search Results in the left-side menu list
![1](images/drex_bullet_1.png) Display Format
Changing the Display Format
To select a different format for the records displayed, select a display format in the Results Display list.
![2](images/drex_bullet_2.png) Printing Details
To print the Details page, click the Print link. In the Print dialog box, change settings if desired, then click Print
![3](images/drex_bullet_3.png) Reserving Items
You must be signed in to the OPAC and have the proper permission in order to reserve items; for instructions on signing in, see “Signing in to the OPAC”.
1. Under Copies/Availability, click Reserve. (If multiple copies are available, click the Reserve button that corresponds to the desired copy.)
2. On the confirmation page, click OK.
![4](images/drex_bullet_4.png) Shelf Browse
Shelf Browse allows a patron to find records with call numbers similar to that of the displayed record. This is similar to looking at items to the left or right of a selected copy on a library shelf.
1. Select the Shelf Browse check box below the record.
2. After the page refreshes, you can click Previous or Next to move backward or forward in shelflist order.
![5](images/drex_bullet_5.png) Booking Items
You must be signed in to the OPAC and have the proper permission in order to book items; for instructions on signing in, see “Signing in to the OPAC”.
1. Under Copies/Availability, click Booking. (If multiple items are available, click the Booking button that corresponds to the desired item.) This displays the Booking page.
2. Enter the start and end date of the booking period in the boxes, and then click Submit.
3. On the confirmation page, click OK.
![6](images/drex_bullet_6.png) Interlibrary Loan
If the desired item is held at another location, you can submit a loan request to that location. You must be signed in to the OPAC and have the proper permission in order to request an ILL; for instructions on signing in, see “Signing in to the OPAC”.
1. Under Copies/Availability, click Request ILL. (If multiple copies are available, click the Request ILL button that corresponds to the desired copy.) This displays the ILL Request page.
2. In the Lending Library box, the library that has the copy appears.
3. In the Requesting Library box, your library location appears.
4. In the Submitter Name box, type your name.
5. In the Submitter E-mail box, your e-mail address should display (if there is an e-mail address in your patron record). If not, type your e-mail address.
6. In the Need by Date boxes, enter the date you would like to receive the item by.
7. In the Item Information section, verify that the correct item is listed.
8. If you have additional information to send to the requesting library regarding your request, type it in the Comments box.
9. If you would like to send a “carbon copy” of this e-mail request to an e-mail address, type the address in the CC box.
10. Click Submit. On the confirmation page, click OK.