Booking an Item
Note: You cannot book a deleted item.
Use the Booking feature to reserve an item such as a conference room or piece of equipment for a future day and/or time. You can book an item for a single day, a range of days, or for specific hours.
1. On the side menu, click Booking.
2. In the Barcode box, scan the patron barcode, or type it and then press ENTER. This displays the patron’s record in the Patron pane.
3. In the Barcode box, scan the item barcode, or type it and then press ENTER. This displays the Booking page.
The three calendars will display any times and dates the item has already been booked and will show the new booking date or time after it has been set.
4. To complete a booking transaction:
a. If you want a full day or range of days, click the day or the first day of the range on the calendar.
i. Click Add.
ii. In the Booking Range box, click the arrow next to the From date. This displays a new calendar at the bottom of the page.
iii. Click a date in the calendar; it is highlighted in blue. The Booking Range box displays the From date you selected.
iv. Click the arrow next to the To date and select a date on the calendar. The Booking Range box now displays the To date you selected.
v. Click OK. The calendar shows the date(s) you selected highlighted in bright blue.
b. If you want a number of hours only, click on the day and then click Hourly.
i. The date selected is shown in an Agenda box with all the available half-hour time slots.
ii. Click Add.
iii. In the Booking Range box, click the arrow next to the From date and time.
iv. Click a time slot in the dropdown menu. Click OK.
v. Click the arrow next to the To date and time.
vi. Click a time slot in the dropdown menu. Click OK.
vii. Click OK to save the Booking Range. The Agenda for that date shows the selected time period highlighted in bright blue.
5. When finished, click OK. The booking transaction appears on the main Circulation page.