Circulation Features

Circulation Features

Side Menu

1. Side Menu
Circulation side menu – Contains options for conducting transactions, configuring the schedule, clearing the display, and changing the system date.

Patron Pane

2. Patron Pane
Patron pane – Displays information about the selected patron. The type of information displayed in this pane is based on the type of institution, but typically contains data such as the patron name, ID number, address, phone number, and current transaction statistics.

Item Pane

3. Item Pane
Item pane – Displays information about the selected item. This pane  typically contains data such as the call number, title, author, and current transaction information.

Transaction Pane

4. Transaction Pane

Patron Toolbar

5. Patron Toolbar
The Patron Toolbar allows you to apply Payments, Attach/Modify Picture, Create New Patron Record, Edit Patron Record, Attach Message, Display Patron History. If the word Patron is underlined to indicate a link, it allows quick viewing of all the patron records (patron, barcode, group, etc.) for the current patron in Full MARC format.

Item Toolbar

6. Item Toolbar
The Item Toolbar allows you to Attach/Modify Picture, Create New Bibliographic Record, Edit Bibliographic Record, Create New Holding Record, Edit Holding Record, Attach Message, Display Item History. If the word Item is underlined to indicate a link, it allows quick viewing of all the item records (holding, bib, barcode, group, etc.) for the current item in Full MARC format.