1. To display more field and subfield choices, click Use Advanced Editor. This displays the advanced record editor.
2. On this page, you can edit the record.
To insert a new field, type the field number in the keyword box at the top, then click Insert Field. This displays another page with subfield choices; its contents will vary depending on the field. Select the check box next to the desired subfield, or type the subfield in the keyword box, then click OK.
You can hold your mouse over the number in the Field column until a menu displays, then click an option in the menu. In control fields, your options are Edit or Delete; in data fields, your options are Insert Subfield, Delete, Move Up, Move Down, and Rename.
To mark this record for deletion, select the Mark for Deletion check box. The record will not be totally removed from the database until you select the Purge Record check box and then Save.
Tip: To type multiple fields or
subfields in a keyword box,
separate the entries with a
comma and no spaces (for
example, to insert fields 200,
300, and 500, type
Editing a Holding Record
1. Search for the bib record for the holding you want to edit. Enter the desired search criteria, then click Search. This displays the Results page with your search results.
2. On the Results page, click the Details link in the bib record. This displays the Details page.
3. Under Copies/Availability, locate the desired holding and click its Edit link. This displays the advanced record editor with record data.
4. Edit the data as desired.
5. To mark this record for deletion, select the Mark for Deletion check box. The record will not be totally removed from the database until you select the Purge Record check box and then Save.
Adding Multiple Holding Records
To generate multiple holding records for one bibliographic record, in the case of multiple copies or multiple volumes, for example, click on the Generate Holdings checkbox at the bottom of the record in the Advanced Editor.
In the Quantity box, indicate the number of additional holding records to create.
In the
BC Prefix box, enter the barcode prefix, if there is one.
In the
Start box enter the first barcode number to be used (minus any prefix).
In the + box enter the increment between barcodes to be created.