Sending E-mail Notifications for Fines & Overdues
You can send e-mail notifications to patrons who owe fines or have overdue items. There must be an e-mail address entered in the patron record to use this feature.
Tip: If you want to “cc”
(carbon copy) e-mail notifications
to another e-mail address, type
the address in the cc= Email to
furnish copy to entry.
You can enter multiple e-mail
addresses by separating them
with commas.
1. Make sure the email notification settings in Circulation Options are completed.
2. On the side menu, click Library Transactions. This displays a list of all transactions.
3. Hold your mouse over Loans, then click an Overdue option in the list.
Hold your mouse over Fines, then click any option in the list. This displays the selected transaction type.
Note: E-mails will only be
sent to patrons who have an email
address in their patron
4. To send an e-mail notification to every patron in the list, click the Send notification link.
An example of an emailed overdue notice:
An example of an emailed fine notice: