Using ISBN/ISSN Fetch
Note: For information on configuring Z39.50 sites,
This feature allows you to import items from Z39.50 sites by using ISBNs or ISSNs.
1. Click the Cataloging Tools link in the side menu. This displays the Import page.
2. Click the ISBN/ISSN Fetch tab.
3. In the Online Databases box, select the Z39.50 site(s) you want to search.
4. In the ISBN/ISSN Select box, choose whether you want to search by ISBN, ISSN, or both.
5. In the ISBN/ISSN List box, enter the ISBNs and/or ISSNs you want to obtain by typing or scanning them into the box.
6. In the Uploaded File Name box, type the name you want to assign to the file of ISBNs/ISSNs that are obtained.
7. Click Fetch. While the fetch processes, a progress bar displays.
8. Click the Import tab. If the import was successful, your file of records will appear in the Uploaded Files list.
9. To import these records, click the Import link next to the file name. This displays the Data Import - Step 1. Follow the instructions in Importing Records.