Library Transactions mode allows you to view, sort, and print transactions.
1. On the side menu, click Library Transactions. This displays a list of all transactions.
The list shows columns for grade, homeroom and teacher if the library is for a school.
The columns with white labels can be sorted by clicking on the label.
2. You have the following options:
To filter the transactions by patron group click the pull down list and select the appropriate group
To view information related to the transaction, the transaction anywhere in its row. This displays the patron and item information on the main Circulation page.
To filter the transactions by type, click click one of the transaction tabs, Under Loans, Fines, Holds, Reserves, or Bookingschoose a further filter for all, current, or a time period.
To print the transactions, click Printable view. This opens a list of transactions only. To print the list, click Print on the File menu.
New Features in Release 2.9.3
Call Number is now sortable in Library Transactions.