The History function retains a cumulative list of Enhanced Search queries per- formed during the current session. A time-saving AutoSearch feature lets you select a search in the list and return to that prior search with the click of a button. To ensure privacy, a patron can clear this cumulative list at any time. The Reset function deletes all information stored in the History Selection dialog box, and returns all OPAC settings to their default positions.
Shelf Browse
Shelf Browse quickly locates records with a call number similar to that of a selected record. The patron can move one bibliographic record at a time forward or backward through the list. This is equivalent to looking at items to the left or right of a specific item on a library shelf.
Index Browse
Index Browse displays a list of data currently contained in the selected MARC record field. This allows patrons to review existing data and select a search term. This feature is particularly useful to patrons who are unsure of the terms to use in a search. M3 provides browse indexes for authors, titles, subjects, call numbers, and URLs by default. Library staff can create other indexes as needed.
The Bookbag allows a patron to temporarily store selected records throughout the course of the search session for additional review or batch printing. Bookbag records can be sorted. A list of items can be created by entering or scanning bar- codes directly into the Bookbag. The Reset function clears information from a previous user.
Bulletin Board
The Bulletin Board is a simple way for library administrators to deliver information to patrons. The Bulletin Board button can be linked to a local HTML file, such as the library home page, or a Web page that the library wants patrons to view. A preconfigured HTML file is included with M3 and can be modified using any HTML editor.
My Account Tab
The My Account tab is an optional tab that allows patrons to view their current transactions, past transactions, and personal information that is on record with the library.
Syndetic Solutions
Mandarin offers a subscription to Syndetic Solutions, which allows patrons to view cover images as well as summaries, reviews, and other content data for items in your collection through a link in the OPAC. This subscription also provides thou- sands of cover images that you can display alongside items in the OPAC and Cir- culation modules. For more information about Syndetic Solutions, see page 14-1.