  • Report Tool

Report Tool



ReportTool™, developed by Zen Software,  Inc., is a flexible  and powerful  report generator. More than 850 K-12 library-related reports and 450 public, academic, and special library-related reports are preloaded into M3 and are also available on the Mandarin Web site. These  preloaded reports can be run “as is” or customized. New reports can be created using  virtually any field of any record. Reports can be displayed on the screen, printed, or downloaded to a file. Barcodes, spine labels, book pocket cards, multi-page forms, address labels, index cards, and letters  can also be printed.
Note: In a wide area network,  reports  should be run at the central site only.
The following tables list the standard reports  included in M3. Reports are divided into the following categories: Bibliographic  & Item Lists, Bill  Letters, Booking Reports, Cards & Labels, Equipment Lists  & Forms, Fine Letters, Fine Lists, Fine Notices, Overdue Letters, Overdue Lists,  Overdue Notices, Patron Lists, Statistical Reports, and Transactions Lists.  The tables provide the report types available for each report  category, along with the various selection, sorting and/or grouping criteria  that are available.
Additional reports are added to the Mandarin Web site on a regular  basis  and are available for downloading. For detailed report information, including examples, please refer to the Standard M3 Reports booklet. If the Standard M3 Reports booklet was not included with this packet, you can request this document by calling Mandarin Order and Customer  Service  at (800) 426-7477.


Bibliographic lists include bibliographic records. Item lists include holding records with pertinent information from the bibliographic record, such as title, author, publisher, and date of publication. Reports  are available for deleted records, but not purged records.


Bill  letters list items  that are overdue for a selected  number  of days. All bill letters allow the user to specify the number of days that items  are overdue as a criteria  in creating the letters; items due more than this number of days will be billed. These  letters list the overdue item, with its replacement cost, and request payment. Selected bill letters allow a surcharge to be added to the cost.


Booking reports list items (holdings) or equipment  (overhead and slide pro- jectors, TVs, and so on) that are booked for future use.


Cards and labels print barcodes, spine labels, book pocket cards, multi-page forms, address labels, and index cards. Most card and label names contain  a number, which signifies that the report  was created to run on special stock (the number is an Avery stock number unless otherwise indicated).


Equipment lists and forms include equipment items  and verification  forms.


Fine letters are sent to patrons  who have returned  items  but have outstanding fines due. One fine letter is created for each patron. Generating fine letters  on a consistent  day and at a consistent  time will ensure  accuracy and eliminate repetition.


Fine lists include patrons  who have outstanding fines. With the lists that include  a “Range Of Days,” the user can generate lists that correspond to the Fine Letter or Fine Notices  that have been generated.


Fine notices are distributed  to patrons  who have returned items  but have out- standing fines. One fine notice is created for each item  having an outstanding fine. Notices are printed four per  page and can be separated  for distribution. Unlike fine letters,  fine notices do not contain address information. Generating fine notices on a consistent  day and at a consistent  time will ensure accuracy and eliminate  repetition.


Overdue letters  are sent to patrons  with items  that have exceeded the due date. Overdue letters  do not include a fine amount unless specified in the report cri- teria. Generating overdue letters on a consistent  day and at a consistent  time will ensure  accuracy and eliminate  repetition.


Overdue lists include patrons  who have outstanding loans. With the lists that include  a “Range Of Days,” the user can generate lists that correspond to the Overdue Letters or Overdue Notices  that have been generated.


Overdue notices are distributed  to patrons  who have outstanding loans. One overdue notice is created for each overdue item.  Notices  are printed  four per page and can be separated  for distribution. Unlike overdue letters, overdue notices do not contain address information.  Generating overdue notices on a consistent  day and at a consistent  time will ensure  accuracy and eliminate repetition.


Patron lists provide information  about patrons and are generated from the library database. The reports for school use provide grade, homeroom, and teacher information, and the reports  for public library/academic use provide address information.


Statistical reports include statistics for the following  areas: circulation,  fines, in-house circulation, loans (including hourly), renewals,  and transactions.


Transactions lists include items on hold, returned via in-house circulation, loaned, renewed, and reserved.