
Displaying Cover Image in the OPAC

To display cover images in the OPAC, you must import the images into your M3 database and enable them in the M3Opac.ini file. The images can then be viewed in the OPAC in the Search Results, Record Details, Bookbag Record List, and Bookbag Record Details windows.
Importing Cover Images
The M3 Picture Manager utility allows you to import multiple image files and auto- matically link the images to the appropriate bibliographic records. This utility can be accessed through the Cataloging module. For instructions, see “Using M3 Pic- ture Manager” beginning on page 4-49.
To add an image to one record at a time, see “Adding a Picture Field to a Biblio- graphic or Patron Record” on page 5-38.
Enabling Cover Images
To enable the display of cover images in the OPAC:
1.     Using a simple text editor such as Notepad or WordPad, open the M3Opac.ini file (the default path is C:\Program Files\Mandarin M3).
2.     In the entry Display Cover Images=0, change the 0 to 1.
3.     Save the file. This feature will be available the next time you start the OPAC.