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fields, allowing librarians to choose which
fields of the MARC record are searchable.
Visual Search
Visual Search is an easy point-and-click
search method. Patrons click graphical
buttons to narrow their searches from
broad topics to more defined sub-topics,
ultimately reaching search results. Sub-
menus buttons may launch search queries
and/or access different applications or Web
pages. M5 includes over 60 pre- configured
topic and query buttons.
The Visual Search interface is easily
CATALOG customized. Captions and pictures can be
Standard Search added to the buttons, and buttons can be
Standard Search is a basic keyword search added or deleted. The number of levels
method that allows patrons to search by before a search results list appears can be
subject, title, author, or anywhere in a increased or decreased. Animation, sound,
record. To help patrons search successfully, and visual properties on all button menus
Standard Search supports the AND, OR, and can be globally or individually modified,
NOT Boolean operators as well as enabled, and disabled.
truncation (*), wildcards (?), and phrase
searches (“ ”). If a patron searches and no
matches are found, a list of indexed entries
displays the closest alphabetical match for
the keyword.
Enhanced Search
Enhanced Search is a more advanced search
method that offers search flexibility and
options. Patrons can enter simple or
complex keyword searches, then select the
fields and Boolean operators for the search.
As in Standard Search, a list of indexed
entries displays if no matches are found, Search Results
and a patron can click a “Browse” button to
view the list. This method also offers Search results display each title with
customizable drop-down lists of search availability, material type, bibliographic
information, and call number. The librarian