Page 6 - m5_brochure_eng
P. 6

You can generate a transaction report for
               the current day, a specified number of days,       Item Groups
               or all transactions. In addition, bookings can     Each holding record must be assigned to a
               be displayed for the future. Additional            group to establish the item’s circulation
               reports can be generated using the M5              parameters. Item groups may exist for
               report generator.                                  many item types, such as general collection,
                                                                  periodicals, equipment, or reference.
               GROUP EDITOR
               Security in M5 is implemented using the            Special Reserve Groups
               Group Editor, which creates, customizes,           Special reserve groups accommodate
               and modifies the group permissions                 unusual circulation restrictions for special
               required to gain access to M5 functions.           items and, if necessary, patrons. For
               The elaborate, hierarchical security scheme        example, to reserve selected science books
               enables librarians to assign levels of access      used by students involved in a four-week
               for the Catalog, Circulation, and database         project.
               maintenance features.
                                                                  REPORT TOOL
               Groups are created with customized sets of         M5 features a flexible report generator that
               parameters and privileges. The three               allows you to select the exact type of report
               default group types are patron, item, and          you need. Reports can be displayed,
               special reserve. An unlimited number of            printed, or saved to a file. Barcodes, spine
               each type can be created, and patrons and          labels, book pocket cards, multi-page forms,
               items can be moved in batches to different         address labels, index cards, and letters can
               groups for quick updating.                         also be printed. Reports include: Fine
                                                                  Letter, List, or Notice; Overdue Letter, List,
                                                                  or Notice; Bibliographic or Item List;
                                                                  Booking Report; Equipment List or Form;
                                                                  Patron  List; Statistical Report; Transactions
                                                                  List; and Cards or Labels.

                                                                  In many of these categories, the librarian
                                                                  can specify a type of list, select a date or
                                                                  date range, and choose other report details.

               Patron Groups
               Each patron record must be assigned to a
               group to establish circulation privileges.
               Patron groups may exist for many patron
               types, such as general, VIP, volunteer, or
               staff member.
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