Page 4 - m5_brochure_eng
P. 4

can modify these display defaults and              resulting records directly into their local
               define whether patrons can save, print,            catalog.
               view cover images, add items to My
               Bookbag, and more.                                 CATALOGING
                                                                  For catalogers of all levels, beginner to
               “See” and “See also” cross-references              advanced, the Record Editor simplifies the
               display at the top of the search results,          maintenance of records in your library. Use
               leading patrons to subjects related to the         it to add, modify, and delete bibliographic,
               search.                                            patron, and holding records.

                                                                  The Record Editor is a fully functional,
                                                                  powerful MARC editor for all record
                                                                  formats. Whether you prefer to edit directly
                                                                  in the MARC 21 Format or in a labeled text
                                                                  display, you are assured that records in your
                                                                  collection are full, valid MARC records that
                                                                  can be exported and shared with other
                                                                  libraries supporting MARC. All MARC 21
                                                                  elements including leader, fixed and
                                                                  variable fields, indicators, and subfields are

                                                                  stored and available to catalogers.

               In the record details, Shelf Browse allows         Basic and advanced editors are included.
               patrons to quickly locate records with             The basic editor displays the MARC field
               similar call numbers. M5 retains all search        labels as text and offers a limited number of
               strings for the duration of the search             field and subfield choices. This editor is
               session. The system allows the patron to           suitable for simple and quick record entry.
               move backward and forward in a search,             The advanced editor displays the MARC
               exploring alternate paths without having to        field labels as numbers and offers every
               retrace the entire original search.                field and subfield choice available.

               Z39.50 Searching                                   The Record Editor includes pre-configured
               M5 includes a Z39.50 client that allows            templates that can be modified to meet
               librarians to search Z39.50 sites and easily       local needs, and additional templates can
               add items to their library catalogs from           be created. Certain fields are automatically
               these sites. The Z39.50 “search and save”          filled in when a template is chosen, making
               feature is seamlessly integrated as part of        the cataloging process easy. Templates
               the Catalog. Since M5 is Unicode compliant,        include formats such as book, electronic
               librarians can search for MARC records in          book, CD-ROM, equipment, DVD, video
               virtually any language and save the                recording, music CD, and more.
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